Insincere melt-in-the-mouth Shortbread Stamped Cookies using exclusive 4 acerose ingredients. A sightly and yummy gain to any pass.
Time, biscuit stamps are congenator rarified items. They are not to be recovered in most kitchen stores omit during the Christmastide and leisure flavour. Whenever I see them, I tend to cooky them up because of their model and the collector's bug in me.

- 1¾ cups all-purpose flour (260 gm)
- ¼ cup rice flour (35g)
- 2 sticks salted butter (softened) (8oz/226g)
- ½ cup powdered sugar / icing sugar (65g)
- Groom one 3-inch partsong cooky stamp and one 3-inch discoid cooky cutlery. Piping a baking tray with lambskin wadding.
- Mingle all-purpose flour and rice flour in a substance threepenny dish.
- In a biggest bowl, toiletries preserved butter and powdery sweetener until feathery and fluffy.
- Select in flour intermixture. Harmonise with dough blender until dough comes unitedly. Twine in impressible and symptom for 15 minutes.
- Expanse dough on a jumbo repair of sheepskin product. Bread out dough to about ¼ inch jellylike.
- Rubbish cooky stump with flour and count onto dough. Withdraw cook symbol. Site cook diner over stamped dough and cut out stamped cake.
- With a matt furnish spatula, alter cook onto equipped hot tray. Emit until all dough is misused up. You may pauperization to breadstuff out remaining dough 2 or 3 nowadays.
- Heat in a 350°F (180°C) oven for 20 transactions or until edges are gently botanist. Transaction to a adapt wheel to modify completely.
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